Giving Thanks and Heading Home!

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Moab, Utah, we decided to declare our mission accomplished.



We will save the journey from Moab to California for a future quest... for two reasons:

  1. It was getting very cold. It's snowing with a low of -17° in Bryce Canyon this weekend.

  2. I (Jon) found myself in the ER in Moab with hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and was advised to postpone the trip until the issue was properly diagnosed and managed. Bet you didn't see THAT coming! I didn't.


So this Thanksgiving I am truly thankful for many things:

  • For a wonderful fall honeymoon tour. We've explored Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, and reached two major milestones: Arches National Park and 1,100 miles!

  • For Megan's insistence that I go to the Moab Free Health Clinic to get my sore throat checked, and for the doctor there testing my blood sugar as a precaution.

  • For the excellent medical attention I received both at the clinic and the Moab Hospital.

  • For Teri Ann Tibbetts, our Warm Showers host in Moab, who provided a home base while all this was going down.

  • For Megan's mother Barbara working overtime so that she could drive down and spend Thanksgiving with us. Her visit just happened to coincide with our need for a ride home!

  • For a beautiful drive home through the Rockies. We stayed over in Aspen to celebrate the conclusion of our trip and rode the gondola to the top of Aspen Mountain.


Basically, I am thankful that things turned out exactly as they did. If I hadn't seen a doctor, or if they had only tested my throat and not my blood sugar, I might still be oblivious to my health issues. Worse, I could have gone into a coma (like, somewhere in the middle of the desert without cell reception)!

We are back in Rapid City now, enjoying some time with Megan's family. We're learning more about what appears to be type 1 diabetes, reflecting on our recent adventures, and planning what comes next!
